About Ukraine manual - Please be informed that according to the Ukrainian Technical Regulation (UA RED)

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Manufacturer details in Ukrainian language

About Ukraine manual -

Please be informed that according to the Ukrainian Technical Regulation (UA RED) other name Ukraine Technical Regulation N 355 or Ukraine RED regulation , the paragraph 25 states the following: Manufacturers must indicate their company's name, registered trade name or registered trademark and postal address at which they can be contacted, OR, if the size or nature of the radio equipment does not allow it, on the radio equipment package or in the accompanying document. Only one address shall be marked at which you can contact the manufacturer. Contact details are provided in accordance with the law on the application of languages. ( have to be in Ukrainian language)

Company information must me mentioned in Ukrainian language

The details in national language can be found in the Ukranian DoC which we prepare and provide to our customers for signature.

Source: https://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/355-2017-%D0%BF/page?lang=en


Phone: +7 499 347-18-97
  +7 499 409-63-69
E-mail: info@mintest.ru
Skype: mintest.company
USA office:
Phone: +12396013208
Email: info@mintest.ru
address: 7961 Gladiolus Dr. 104, Fort Myers Florida 33908 ,USA