Russian RoHS /CU TR 037/2016 or EAC ROHS requirements /Technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union on Limiting the use of hazardous substances in products of electrical engineering and radio electronics CU TR 037

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Branch in USA
ADOPTED Decision of the Council The Eurasian Economic Commission from 2015 No.

TECHNICAL REGULATIONS Of the Eurasian Economic Union "On limiting the use of hazardous substances in products of electrical engineering and radio electronics ТР ЕАЭС 037 / 2016

This technical regulation is developed in accordance with with the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014. This technical regulation establishes mandatory for application and execution on the territory of the Eurasian economic union (hereinafter referred to as the Union) application of hazardous substances in electrical products and radio electronics, ensuring the free movement of products electrical engineering and radio electronics, issued in circulation on the territory of the Union to ensure their free movement. If in relation to certain products of electrical engineering and radioelectronics, other technical regulations of the Union (The Customs Union), setting the data requirements products, then such products of electrical engineering and radio electronics must comply with the requirements of all technical regulations Union (the Customs Union), the effect of which on them distributed by.

I. I. Scope of application

1. This technical regulation establishes requirements to limit the use of hazardous substances in products Electrotechnics and radio electronics in order to ensure the protection of life and human health, the environment, and warnings actions that mislead consumers (users) products of electrical engineering and radio electronics in relation to content they contain dangerous substances. 2. This technical regulation applies to products electrical engineering and radio electronics, issued in circulation in the territory of the Union. List of products of electrical engineering and radio electronics, for which This Technical Regulation applies in annex 1 to this technical regulation. 3. This technical regulation does not apply to: a) products of electrical engineering and radio electronics, intended for use at a rated voltage of more than 1000 V AC and 1500 V DC, unless otherwise specified in annex 1 to this technical regulation; b) products of electrical engineering and radio electronics, intended exclusively for use as component parts electrical equipment not included in the scope of application of this technical regulation (not included in Annex 1 to this technical regulation); c) electric toys; d) photovoltaic panels (solar panels), incoming in the products of electrical engineering and radio electronics; e) products of electrical engineering and radio electronics, intended for use in terrestrial and orbital space objects; (e) Electrical equipment designed exclusively for for use on air, water, land and underground transport; g) batteries and electric accumulators, including issued in circulation in the territory of the Union as a part of products electrical engineering and radio electronics; h) second-hand (used) electrical products and radio electronics.

II. Basic concepts

4. For the purpose of applying this technical regulation the following concepts and their definitions are used: "Production in circulation" - supply or import of products (including shipping from the manufacturer's warehouse or shipping without storing) for the purpose of distribution on the territory of the Union in the course of commercial activities at no cost or paid basis; "Manufacturer" means a legal entity or an individual, registered as an individual entrepreneur, including a foreign manufacturer, exercising from their name of production or production and sale of products 4 and responsible for its compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Union; "Toy" is a product or material intended for play child (children) under the age of 14; "Toy electric" - a toy that has at least one function is carried out due to electric energy; "Importer" is a resident of a member state of the Union who concluded with a non-resident of the member states of the Union a foreign trade contract for the transfer of electrical products and radio electronics, implementation of these products and is responsible for their compliance with the requirements for limiting the use of dangerous substances of this technical regulation; "Homogeneous (homogeneous) material" - material of permanent composition in its entirety, consisting of a single substance or combinations of substances and (or) materials that can not be are separated mechanically (by disassembly, cutting, grinding, grinding and or other mechanical impact); "Manufacturer's authorized person" - registered in accordance with the procedure established by the Member State of the Union on its territory a legal entity or an individual as individual entrepreneur, who, on the basis of an agreement with the manufacturer, including the foreign manufacturer, carry out actions on behalf of this manufacturer in assessing conformity and release into circulation of products in the territory of the Union, and are also responsible for non-compliance of products with the requirements technical regulations of the Union. "Products electrical engineering and radio electronics "- products, the functioning of which, as intended, is due to the presence, application, production, transformation, transmission and the distribution of electric currents and / or electromagnetic fields, intended as for direct use, and built-in machines, mechanisms, apparatus, instruments and other equipment.

III. Rules of circulation in the market for ROHS Customs Union /EAC

5. The product of electrical engineering and radio electronics is produced in circulation to the territory of the Union in accordance with its present technical regulations, as well as other technical regulations Union (the Customs Union), whose operation on it It is distributed, and provided that it has been confirmed conformity in accordance with Section VII of this technical regulations, as well as in accordance with other technical regulations of the Union (The Customs Union), the effect of which is extended to him. 6. A product of electrical engineering and radio electronics, conformity whom requirements of this technical regulations not confirmed, should not be marked with a single sign products on the market of the Union and is not allowed to be produced in circulation on the market of the Union. 7. A product of electrical engineering and radio electronics, not marked A single sign of product circulation on the market of the Union is not allowed to issue into circulation on the market of the Union.

IV. Requirements for limiting the use of hazardous substances

8. The product of electrical engineering and radio electronics should be developed and manufactured in such a way that in its composition did not contain: a) the hazardous substances specified in Annex 2 to this technical regulations; b) homogeneous (homogeneous) materials containing hazardous substances in concentrations exceeding the permissible level, specified in Annex 2 to this technical regulation. 9. For products of electrical engineering and radio electronics, as well as their nodes and components specified in Annex 3 to this technical regulations, special requirements are established in terms of the permissible content of hazardous substances. V. Labeling and operational documentation requirements 10. Name and (or) designation of a product of electrical engineering and radio electronics (type, brand, model - if available), its main parameters and characteristics, name and (or) trademark manufacturer, the name of the country where the product was manufactured Electrotechnics and radio electronics should be applied to the product electrical engineering and radio electronics and are indicated in the attached to it operational documents. In this case, the name of the manufacturer and (or) its trademark, name and designation of the products ( Models ) or of electrical engineering and radio electronics (type, brand, model - if available) should be also applied to the packaging. 11. If the information given in paragraph 10 of this section, It is impossible to apply to the product of electrical engineering and radio electronics, they can be indicated only in the attachments to this product operational documents. In this case, the name of the manufacturer and (or) its trademark, the name and designation of the product electrical engineering and radio electronics (type, make, model - if available) must be applied to the packaging. 12. Marking of a product of electrical engineering and radio electronics should be legible, easy to read and applied to the product Electrical and radio electronics in an accessible for inspection without disassembly using the tool location. 13. Operating documents for electrical products and radio electronics should contain: a) information listed in paragraph 10 of this section; b) information about appointment products electrical engineering and radio electronics; c) characteristics and parameters; d) rules and conditions of operation (use), installation, storage, transportation (transportation), sale and disposal (if necessary - the establishment of requirements for them); e) information on measures to be taken at detection malfunctions products electrical engineering and radio electronics; f) name and location of manufacturer + (authorized by the manufacturer of the person), importer, information for communication with them; g) month and year of manufacture of the electrical products and radio electronics and (or) information about the place of application and method year of manufacture. 14. Operational documents and marking are carried out in Russian and subject to the relevant requirements in the legislation of the Member States of the Union (hereinafter referred to as " members) in the state (state) language (s) Member State in whose territory the products are sold. Own names, names, names of settlements and other names, alphabetic trademarks, units of measurement and similar attributes in marking and operational documents can be given in other languages. Operational documents are carried out on paper carriers. They may be accompanied by a set of operational documents on electronic carriers. Operational documents, included in the complete set of products of electrical engineering and radio electronics not for domestic purposes, can be performed only on electronic carriers.

VI. Ensuring Compliance with Restriction Requirements use of hazardous substances

15. Conformity of the product of electrical engineering and radio electronics This technical regulation is its requirements for limiting the use of hazardous substances. 16. Methods of research (testing) and product measurements Electrical engineering and radio electronics are set in standards, According to the list of standards containing rules and methods Research (tests) and measurements, including selection rules necessary for the application and execution of requirements technical regulations and implementation of conformity assessment products.

VII. Conformity assessment

17. Before issuing in circulation in the territories of the states - members of the Union of Electrical and Electronics to assess compliance with the requirements of this technical regulations. 18. Evaluation conformity products electrical engineering and Radio electronics is produced in the form of state control (supervision) and in the form of confirmation of compliance. 19. When confirming the conformity of electrical products and radio electronics the applicant can be registered on the territory of a Member State of the Union in accordance with its legal entity or individual as individual entrepreneur, who are the manufacturer or importer (seller) or a person authorized by the manufacturer. 20. Products of electrical engineering and radio electronics are subject to conformity in the form of declaration of conformity by one of the following schemes: a) for the serial production of electrical products and radio electronics - schemes 1d, 3d and 6d;

b) for a batch of products of electrical engineering and radio electronics - schemes 2e and 4e. 21. When declaring conformity of electrical products and radio electronics, the applicant may be: a) for circuits 1d, 3d and 6d - manufacturer (authorized manufacturer person); b) for circuits 2e and 4d - manufacturer (authorized manufacturer) or the importer (seller). 22. Choice of the declaration of conformity of products electrical engineering and radio electronics is carried out by the applicant. 23. Declaration of conformity of electrical products and radio electronics according to schemes 1d and 2d is carried out by the applicant on the basis of their own evidence. Tests of product samples Electrotechnics and radio electronics at the choice of the applicant are conducted in the applicant's own testing laboratory, or accredited testing laboratory (center) included in the Unified Register of Conformity Assessment Bodies of the Eurasian economic union, or in another testing laboratory. Declaration of conformity of the products of electrical engineering and radio electronics according to schemes 3d, 4d and 6d is carried out by the applicant on the basis of their own evidence and evidence obtained with the participation of an accredited testing laboratory (center), included in the Unified Register of Conformity Assessment Bodies The Eurasian Economic Union. 24. When declaring conformity of electrical products and radio electronics. Applicant: a) forms and analyzes documents confirming conformity of products of electrical engineering and radio electronics to requirements of this technical regulation, including: technical conditions (if any); operational documents; protocol (protocols) for testing samples of products and (or) components, materials, components of products, for compliance requirements of this technical regulation and (or) other documents at the choice of the applicant, which served as grounds to confirm the conformity of electrical products and radio electronics to the requirements of this technical regulation, as well as the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (The Customs Union), the effect of which is extended to it (if available) (schemes 1Д, 2Д); protocol (protocols) for testing samples of products and (or) components, materials, components of products, for compliance requirements of this technical regulation and other documents at the choice of the applicant, served as grounds for confirmation conformity of products of electrical engineering and radio electronics to the requirements This technical regulation, as well as the requirements of other technical regulations of the Union (of the Customs Union), the which are distributed to it (if available) (schemes 3D, 4D and 6D); contract for supply (contract) and shipping documentation (if available) (for a batch of electrical products and radio electronics, a single product) (schemes 2e, 4d); certificate for quality management system (copy of certificate) (scheme 6e). b) conducts identification of products of electrical engineering and radio electronics for the purpose of assigning these products to the field application of this technical regulation; c) provides carrying out production control and takes all necessary measures to ensure that the process production of electrical and electronic equipment their compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation; d) takes all necessary measures to ensure stability of the quality management system (scheme 6e); e) adopts a declaration of conformity, which is formalized under the uniform form and rules approved by the Decision of the Board The Eurasian Commission of December 25, 2012 No. 293; e) applies a single sign of the products circulation in the market The Eurasian Economic Union; g) forms after the completion of the confirmation procedure a set of documents that includes documents provided for by subparagraph "a" of this paragraph, and a declaration of conformity. 25. The Declaration of Conformity shall be registered in the manner, stipulated by the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic commission of April 9, 2013 No. 76. 26. The validity of the declaration of conformity upon declaration conformity to the serial production of electrical products and radio electronics is no more than 5 years. For batch of products electrical engineering and radio electronics, the validity of the declaration no correspondence is established. 27. At the choice of the applicant, the conformity of products Electrotechnics and radio electronics in the form of declaring compliance can be replaced by a confirmation of compliance in the form of certification by one of the following schemes: and for serial production of the products of electrical engineering and radio electronics - schemes 1c, 2c and 6c; b) for a batch of products of electrical engineering and radio electronics - scheme 3c; c) for a single item of electrical engineering and radio electronics - scheme 4c. 28. At certification of products of electrical engineering and radio electronics the applicant may be: a) for circuits 1c, 2c and 6c - the manufacturer (authorized manufacturer person); b) for circuits 3c and 4c, the manufacturer (authorized by the manufacturer person) or importer (seller). 29. Choice of certification scheme for electrical products and radio electronics is carried out by the applicant. 30. At certification of products of electrical engineering and radio electronics Applicant: a) take all necessary measures to ensure that the process production was stable and manufactured products to the requirements of this technical regulations; b) forms technical documentation: technical conditions (if any); operational documents; contract (supply contract) and shipping documentation (if available) (for a batch of electrical products and radio electronics (a single product) (schemes 3c, 4c); certificate for quality management system (copy of certificate) (Scheme 2c); Other documents on the choice of the applicant, which served as grounds of confirmation for conformity of a products of electrical engineering and radio electronics to the requirements of this technical regulation, as well as the requirements of other technical regulations, the action which is distributed to it (if available); c) applies for certification of electrical products and radio electronics with the attached technical documentation, into one from accredited certification bodies included in the Single register of bodies for the conformity assessment of the Eurasian Economic union; The application specifies a document that certified management system (scheme 2c). The application must contain the identifying characteristics of the party and its units of output (unit of output) (schemes 3c and 4c). d) applies a single sign of the product circulation on the market Eurasian Economic Union after completion of the procedures confirmation of compliance; e) notify in advance the certification body of the amendments in the construction of electrical and radio electronics products or technology of their production, which can affect compliance products of electrical engineering and radioelectronics requirements, established by this technical regulation (Scheme 1c); g) forms after the completion of the confirmation procedure a set of documents that includes documents, stipulated by subparagraph "a" of this clause, the protocol (test reports), the results of the analysis of the state of production (Scheme 1c) and a certificate of compliance. 31. At certification of products of electrical engineering and radio electronics accredited certification body included in the Unified Register bodies for conformity assessment of the Eurasian Economic Union: a) analyzes the technical documentation provided by the applicant, and informs the applicant of the decision on the application, containing conditions for certification; b) performs identification and sampling of products electrical equipment and radio electronics from the applicant for tests. c) provides testing of product samples Electrical engineering and radio electronics (batch of electrical products and radioelectronics (samples from a batch of electrical products and radio electronics) or a single product of electrical engineering and radioelectronics (schemes 3c and 4c)) in an accredited test The laboratory (center) included in the Unified Register of Evaluation Bodies conformity of the Eurasian Economic Union; d) conduct an analysis of the state of production of the applicant, the results which are formalized by an act (Scheme 1c); e) with positive test results and analysis of the condition production forms a certificate of compliance in a uniform form, Approved by the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission of December 25, 2012 No. 293, and issues it to the applicant; e) conducts inspection control over certified products of electrical engineering and radio electronics for the whole term validity of the certificate of conformity by means of sample testing products in an accredited testing laboratory (center) and (or) analysis of the state of production (Scheme 1c). g) conducts inspection control over certified products of electrical engineering and radio electronics for the whole term validity of the certificate of conformity by means of sample testing products in an accredited testing laboratory (center) and the analysis of the results of inspection control by the body certification of management systems for a certified system quality management (scheme 2c); h) with positive results of inspection control certificate conformity is considered Verified, as indicated in the inspection control report; with negative results of inspection control takes one of the following decisions: - suspend the validity of the certificate of conformity; - cancel the certificate of conformity. Decides on the results of inspection control up to the applicant (schemes 1c and 2c). i) enter information about the certificate of conformity in the Unified Register documents on conformity assessment of the Eurasian Economic Union. 32. In the case holding confirmation conformity (declaration of conformity or certification) by schemes, providing for the certification of quality management systems, The work on certification of quality management systems is carried out by The management system certification body, registered on territories member states Union at accordance from legislation of the Member States of the Union and accredited in national systems for the accreditation of Member States of the Union. 33. Validity of the certificate of conformity for products electrical engineering and radio electronics, produced serially - no more than 5 years, for a batch of products of electrical engineering and radio electronics (single article) the validity period of the certificate of conformity not installed; 34. Set of documents to be generated after confirmation conformity of products of electrical engineering and radio electronics should be kept by the applicant within the following terms: on products of electrical engineering and radio electronics, produced Serially - not less than 10 years from the date of termination of the declaration on compliance or certificate of conformity; for a batch of products - not less than 10 years from the date of termination realization of a batch of products of electrical engineering and radio electronics (a single item of electrical engineering and radio electronics) during not less than 10 years from the date of sale of the last product of electrical engineering and radio electronics from the party; product of electrical engineering and radio electronics - from the manufacturer (authorized by the manufacturer of the person) for at least 10 years from the date of withdrawal (termination) from the production of this product electrical engineering and radio electronics;

VIII. Marking with a single sign of product circulation

on the market of the Union 35. Product of electrical engineering and radio electronics, meeting the requirements for limiting the use of dangerous substances of this technical regulation and past procedure compliance with Section VII of this technical regulations, must be marked with a single sign circulation of products on the market of the Union. 36. Marking with a single sign of product circulation on the market Union is carried out before the release of the product of electrical engineering and radio electronics in circulation on the market of the Union. 37. A single sign of the circulation of products on the market of the Union is applied for each product of electrical engineering and radio electronics method, providing a clear and clear image throughout the entire service life of electrical products and radio electronics, as well as is given in the operating documents attached to it. If it is not possible to apply a single sign of treatment products on the market of the Union for the product of electrical engineering and radioelectronics it is allowed to apply it only on the packaging products of electrical engineering and radio electronics and in the attached to it operational documents. 38. The product of electrical engineering and radio electronics is marked uniform sign of the circulation of products on the market of the Union under its compliance with the requirements of all technical regulations of the Union (The Customs Union), the effect of which is extended to him. IX. State control (supervision) of compliance requirements of this technical regulation 39. State control (supervision) of compliance with requirements of this technical regulation in relation to Electrotechnics and radio electronics is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Member State. X. Protection clause 40. The Commissioners Authorities of a Member of the States must take all measures to restrict and prohibit release into circulation on the territory of the Union of Electrical and Radioelectronic Products, not meeting the requirements of this technical regulation and technical regulations of the Union (the Customs Union), the action which are distributed to them, as well as for their removal from circulation. In this case, the authorized body of the Member State is obliged to notify the authorized bodies of other Member States on the adoption of an appropriate decision with an indication of the reason adoption and provision of evidence explaining the need for appropriate action.

to the technical regulations
Of the Eurasian Economic Union
"On limiting the use of dangerous
substances in electrical products
and Radioelectronics »(TR EAEC __ / __)
Russia ROHS requirements
Russia ROHS product list

List of a product for CU TR 037 /products of electrical engineering and radio electronics, to which the requirements of this technical regulation

1. Electrical apparatus and appliances for household use:

for cooking and storing food and mechanizing kitchen works and other kitchen equipment; for processing (washing, ironing, drying, cleaning) linen, clothes and shoes; for cleaning and cleaning premises; to maintain and adjust the microclimate in the premises; sanitary and hygienic; for the care of hair, nails and skin; for heating the body; vibro-massage; game, sports and training equipment; audio and video equipment, receivers of television and radio broadcasting; sewing and knitting; power supplies, chargers, voltage regulators; for horticulture; for aquariums and garden reservoirs; electric pumps; electric and electronic watches; calculators; Electroadjusting products; extension cords. 2. Electronic computers and connected to them devices, including their combinations: servers, system blocks of personal computers; laptops; Tablet, pocket, pallet and other small computers; Keyboards, manipulators, trekkers and other devices control and input (computer mice, joysticks, helmets, sunglasses); removable storage of information; monitors; printers; scanners; acoustic systems and headphones; multimedia projectors; biometric information readers; webcams; modems; uninterruptible power supply units. 3. Telecommunication facilities (terminal telecommunication device): fixed and mobile phones; automatic telephones; telefaxes; telexes; portable and portable radio stations; RFID tags. 4. Copiers and other electrical office equipment (office) equipment. 5. The tool electrified (cars manual and portable electric). 6. Light sources and light equipment, including embedded in the furniture. 7. Eelectromusical tools. 8. Game and trading automata. 9. Cash registers, ticket printing machines, readers identification cards, ATMs, information kiosks. 10. Cables, wires and cords intended for use at a nominal voltage of not more than 500 V AC and (or) DC with the exception of fiber-optic cables. 11. Switches automatic, devices protective disconnection. 12. Fire, security and fire-security detectors.

to the technical regulations
Of the Eurasian Economic Union
"On limiting the use of dangerous
substances in products of electrical engineering and
radio electronics "(TR EAEC __ / __)

Russian ROHS restrictions

dangerous substances that should not be contained in products of electrical engineering and radio electronics, and permissible the concentration of these substances in homogeneous materials, used in the construction of electrical products and radio electronics, which are subject to requirements of this technical regulation

dangerous substance

Permissible Concentration dangerous substance in homogeneous materials in weight percent,

опасного вещества
Допустимая концентрация опасного вещества в гомогенных материалах метериалах в весовых процентах, не более
1 2
lead 0.1
mercury 0.1
cadmium 0.01
hexavalent chromium 0.1
polybrominated biphenyls 0.1
polybrominated diphenyl ethers 0.1
to the technical regulations of the Customs
"On limiting the use of
hazardous substances in products
electrical engineering and radio electronics "
(TR TC 0 __ / 20__)

Special requirements to limit the use of hazardous substances in products electrical engineering and radio electronics in accordance with this technical regulation

Специальное требование Срок действие специального требования
1 2

1. Mercury in compact fluorescent lamps with one plinth, one lamp is not more than: 1) 2.5 mg for general lighting lamps with a power of less than 30 W is not limited to 2) 3.5 mg for general lighting lamps rated at 30 watts (inclusive) up to 50 W is not limited to 3) 5 mg for general lighting lamps with power from 50 W (inclusive) up to 150 W is not limited to 4) 15 mg for lamps of general lighting with a power of at least 150 W is not limited to 5) 7 mg for general-purpose lamps with annular or square tubular bulb with a diameter of no more than 17 mm is not limited to 6) 5 mg for lamps intended for special purposes (in addition to general lighting) is not limited to 7) 3.5 mg for general lighting lamps with a power rating of less than 30 W with a service life of at least 20,000 hours. within 3 years from dates of entry into technical regulations * 2. Mercury in linear (tubular rectilinear) luminescent lamps with two plinths for general lighting, one lamp more: 1) 4 mg for lamps with a three-band phosphor with a diameter tubes less than 9 mm is not limited to 2) 3 mg for lamps with a three-band phosphor with a diameter tubes of at least 9 mm and not more than 17 mm is not limited to 3) 3.5 mg for lamps with a three-band phosphor phosphor and tube diameter not less than 17 mm is not limited to 4) 5 mg for lamps with a three-band phosphor phosphor and with a standard service life of at least 25,000 hours is not limited to

Special requirement

Специальное требование Срок действие специального требования
1 2

3. Mercury in other fluorescent lamps, one lamp at most: 1) 10 mg for linear lamps with a halophosphate phosphor and tube with a diameter of more than 28 mm within 2 years from dates of entry into technical regulations * 2) 15 mg for lamps of non-linear form with halophosphate luminophore within 3 years from dates of entry into technical regulations * 3) 15 mg for lamps of non-linear form with halophosphate a phosphor and a bulb with a diameter of more than 17 mm is not limited to 4) 15 mg for lamps intended for general lighting and special purposes (for example, induction lamps) is not limited to 5) 10 mg for linear lamps with a halophosphate phosphor and tube with a diameter of less than 28 mm is not limited to 4. Mercury in fluorescent lamps with a cold cathode and fluorescent lamps with external electrodes, per one lamp no more: 1) 3.5 mg for lamps with a length not exceeding 500 mm is not limited to 2) 5 mg for lamps longer than 500 mm, but not more than 1500 mm is not limited to 3) 13 mg for lamps longer than 1500 mm is not limited to 5. Mercury in gas-discharge lamps of low pressure - not more than 15 mg per lamp is not limited to 6. Mercury in high-pressure sodium lamps for general lighting with a color rendering index Ra of more than 60, per lamp no more: 1) 30 mg for lamps with a power not exceeding 155 W is not limited to 2) 40 mg for lamps with a power of more than 155 W is not limited to 7. Mercury in other sodium high pressure lamps for general lighting 1) 25 mg for lamps with a power not exceeding 155 W is not limited to

Special requirement

2) 30 mg for lamps with a power of more than 155 W, but not more than 405 W is not limited to 3) 40 mg for lamps with a power of more than 405 W is not limited to 8. Mercury in high-pressure mercury lamps - is not limited to 2 years from dates of entry into technical regulations * 9. Mercury in metal halide lamps - not limited to is not limited to 10. Mercury in special gas-discharge lamps for luminous signs and decorative lighting of buildings 1) 20 mg per each electrode pair and 0.3 mg per each centimeter length of bulb for lamps designed for indoor and outdoor use at temperatures below minus 20ºС within 3 years from dates of entry into technical regulations * 2) 15 mg per each electrode pair and 0.24 mg per each centimeter length of the bulb, but not more than 80 mg for other lamps intended for indoor use within 3 years from dates of entry into technical regulations * 11. Mercury in other gas-discharge lamps intended for special purposes (other than general lighting) - is not limited to is not limited to 12. Lead in the glass of cathode-ray tubes - is not limited to is not limited to 13. Lead in the glass of flasks (tubes) of fluorescent lamps - not more than 0,2% is not limited to 14. Lead content in steel, including galvanized steel - not more than 0.35% is not limited to 15. Lead content in aluminum alloys is no more than 0.4% is not limited to 16. The lead content in brass and other copper-based alloys - no more than 4% not limited to 17. Lead in refractory (melting temperature is more than 300 C) solders - not limited not limited to 18. Lead in solders used in the manufacture of servers, storage and transmission systems of telecommunication and networks - not limited

19. Lead in electrical and electronic components, in addition to insulating ceramic capacitors (e.g., piezoelectric devices, in compounds of ceramic or glass substrates) - not limited 20. Lead in insulating ceramic capacitors nominal voltage less than 125 V AC and 250 V DC - is not limited to 21. Lead in creating ceramic piezoelectric effect materials of integrated circuits and discrete capacitor semiconductor devices - is not limited to. " for 2 years date of entry into due to technical regulations * 22. Cadmium and its compounds in the electrical contacts - not limited to not limited to 23. Hexavalent chromium as anticorrosive additives in heat transfer systems, the absorption of carbon steel refrigerators - is not more than 0.75% by weight of the cooling solution not limited to 24. Lead in housings and shell bearings, intended for systems having refrigerant compressors ventilation and air conditioning - not limited not limited to 25. Lead in light transmitting colorless glasses and lenses optical systems - is not limited to not limited to 26. Lead and cadmium in glass filters and standard samples reflectivity - is not limited to not limited to 27. Lead solder to create a sustained electric Connection between the casing (chip) and semiconductor chip with an integrated circuit ball leads - is not limited to not limited to 28. Halogen lead in high intensity discharge lamps for industrial applications and copiers - not limited to not limited to 29. Lead as a fluorescent activator compositions HID lamps for tanning beds - not limited not limited to 30. Lead and cadmium in printing inks for application to borosilicate and soda lime glass - not limited to 31. Lead in solders for the multilayer disc and planarno- matrix ceramic capacitors with metallized holes - not limited 32. Lead oxide in the SED-display (displays with e emission by surface conductivity) - not limited to 33. Lead in solders used in high-powered loudspeakers (Speakers designed for continuous operation at sound pressure level of at least 125 dB SPL) - not limited to 34. Lead compounds in a crystal glass - not limited 35. cadmium alloys as a solder for electro-mechanical compounds in a voice coil loudspeaker with the level of The sound pressure of at least 100 dB - is not limited to 36. Lead in solders for mounting of flat fluorescent lamps in liquid crystal displays - not limited 37. Lead Oxide sealants in argon and krypton laser tubes - not limited 38. Lead in solders for soldering copper wires force transformers thickness not exceeding 100 microns - not limited 39. Lead in ceramic trimmer potentiometer - not limited to 40. Mercury cathode sputtering to stabilize in plasma displays - no more than 30 mg per one plasma panel for 2 years the effective date in terms of technical regulations * 41. Lead in the cladding layers of high-voltage diodes housings based glass ceramic and beryllium oxide - not limited to 42. Cadmium and cadmium oxide in the thin-film layers on oxide beryllium and aluminum - is not limited to 43. Cadmium in the solid-state light-converting elements LEDs for lighting and display systems - not more than 10 mg for 2 years date of entry into


* Validity means that after the occurrence of the specified release date in the treatment of this product is possible only if the requirements to the contents of hazardous substances set forth in Annex 2 to this technical regulations of the Customs Union.


With all questions concerning Russian ROHS restriction please contact LLC Mintest
With all question regarding Russian CU TR 037 restrictions please contact LLC Mintest
CU TR 037/2016
Russian CU TR 037/2016
Russia ROHS marking
Russian restricted substance
EAC marking for ROHS
regulatory services for EAC, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Ukraine, Serbia, Beirut, Tajikistan, Moldova


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